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Tax Tips
It's taxing enough to pay all those taxes. Let our friendly tax guides help you get smarter and save more.
Tax Tips
|01 Sept 2021Everything You Need to Know About FICA Tax
Learn the basics of FICA taxes along with the payroll tax rates so that you know who must pay them and how. FICA is a mandatory payroll tax that is split equally between the employees and the employers. Employers in the USA must withhold a part of their employees' income according to the FICA law. This part is paid to the government, hence the term 'payroll tax.'
Tax Tips
|08 Sept 2021Guide to Section 179 Deductions
If you're a small business, chances are you're scrimping and saving since you have limited resources, and the pandemic situation doesn't help at all. Read on for some expert guidance on how to claim deductions under Section 179 if you're purchasing equipment for your business.