
1099 Tax Calculator for Self-Employed Workers & Independent Contractors

Filing taxes can be confusing for self-employed individuals and contractors because they don’t have access to the ease of corporate filing.

Since a salaried individual has the benefit of their employer withholding taxes from their monthly salary, their tax filing process is simpler and more straightforward. But this is not the case for independent workers and sole proprietors.

If you are a creative worker, small business owner, or freelancer, it's likely that your income varies over the year and may come from different sources. As a result, your tax calculation can get quite complicated.

Luckily, a self-employed tax calculator can help you anticipate your 1099 taxes for 2021 and plan your finances accordingly. But first, let's understand what Form 1099-Misc is.

What Is Form 1099-Misc?

Form 1099-Misc is a series of documents that covers information returns. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses these forms to get a report on various types of income you receive, apart from the fixed salary that your employer provides.

You will find several types of 1099 forms for different avenues, such as a small-scale business, freelancing, creative services, independent contracts, and other types of self-employment.

Any income that does not fall under a W-2 form would show up on Form 1099-Misc. According to the IRS, the 1099 form must be filed for each person paid throughout the year in the following ways:

1. At least $10 in royalties or broker payments in lieu of tax-exempt interest or dividends

2. At least $600 in:

  • Prizes or awards
  • Medical or health care expenses
  • Rents
  • Other income avenues
  • Crop insurance proceeds
  • Cash payments for any fishing boat and fish or aquatic life bought from professional fish-catchers
  • Cash from notional principal contract to an individual, partnership, or estate
  • Attorney payments

If you have made direct sales of consumer products amounting to more than $5,000 to a buyer for resale anywhere other than a retail store, you can report it in Form 1099-Misc.

When you are estimating your self-employment taxes, note that all your additional or independent income needs to be reported accurately to the IRS to avoid penalties or an audit. This includes bank interests, investment dividends, and freelance compensations.

Moreover, your employer or anyone who issues 1099 forms must send one copy to the IRS and one to you, i.e., the recipient of these payments. This lets the IRS know that your employer has not withheld any taxes from your paycheck.

Paying Taxes on Your Self-Employment Income

You may not be aware of your tax burdens from self-employment. That is why filing Form 1099-Misc seems like such a tough task. However, it's simple once you know the specifics, which we’ll tell you here.

The self-employment tax total is 15.3% of your net annual profit or loss from your business. But this rate has two divisions:

  • Social security tax (12.4% of the total)
  • Healthcare/ Medicare tax (2.9% of the total)

Your business taxes can be a combination of income, expenses, credits, deductibles, and other adjustments. By factoring in all of these, you will be able to calculate your net earnings for the year.

If you are a self-employed individual, remember that you are generally required to file annual tax returns and estimated taxes quarterly. Otherwise, you could attract a penalty of 5% of your tax balance per month, up to 25% of the total owed tax.

On top of that, if you deliberately avoid paying 1099 taxes, you may have to face a penalty of up to 15% per month, up to 75% of the total owed tax amount.

Unlike many other tax types, the self-employment tax does not depend on your income bracket. Therefore, the amount is even for everyone who is self-employed or a freelancer. However, you can reduce this amount by listing deductions and planning wisely.

Tax Deductions and Lowering Your Self-Employed Tax Bill

That's right! You can cut down your tax bill by filing deductibles. Some of these expenses include car maintenance and gas, home office setup costs, and software requirements for your business.

By keeping track of all eligible expenses throughout the year, you can reduce hundreds and even thousands of dollars on your final bill. If you want to completely avoid paying 1099 taxes, you can declare your business a corporation and file accordingly.

To include tax deductions in the 1099 tax calculator, simply subtract the annual business expenses from the total sum in the 1099 income input field. Note that the income refers to the net profit or loss in your business.

It's easy to miss out on a few deductions when you are doing taxes on your own - no matter how careful you are. That's why you can benefit from a professional bookkeeping and tax filing service like Fincent to maximize your savings.

How to Calculate 1099-Misc Taxes

Calculating 1099 taxes is fairly simple if you are aware of the basics. As said earlier, your self-employment taxes include 12.4% for social security plus 2.9% in healthcare.

In 2020, the social security portion of this tax included the first $137,000 of your total earnings. But this sum has changed in 2021. Now, the first $142,800 of your earnings is subject to the social security tax.

Moreover, you might have to pay an additional 0.9% for Medicare if your self-employment earnings are higher than $200,000 for a single tax filer and $250,000 for a joint filing.

Once these details are clear, calculating 1099 taxes is a piece of cake. Here are the steps to get a correct estimate of your total self-employment tax:

  1. Find out the net earnings of your self-employment or small business. For tax purposes, your net earnings are calculated by subtracting your business expenses amount from the total gross income from self-employment.
  2. In general, 92.35% of your net earnings from self-employment are subject to the self-employment tax.
  3. After determining how much of your net earnings are subject to tax, you need to apply the 15.3% tax rate to the amount according to the divisions.
  4. In case you faced a loss this year or your net income was very little, you can explore two optional methods in IRS Schedule SE to calculate your net earnings and file taxes accordingly.

However, if this feels too confusing for you, you can opt for the free tax calculator to understand how much you need to set aside this tax season.

Do You Need to Make Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments to the IRS?

Yes, if your income is without withholdings or from various sources, you need to look into filing quarterly estimated tax payments. This is crucial if you are dependent on contracts, freelance work, or other self-employment avenues for your income.

Quarterly payments are simply a portion of your annual tax bill that you can pay four times a year instead of paying it all at once at the end of the financial year.

The simple rule is to pay quarterly taxes if your expected tax amount is higher than $1,000. If this is the case, you need to pay a certain portion of your expected tax bill every quarter, depending on the filing dates.

The IRS believes in paying taxes as you go. This is to ensure that the government has a steady supply of funds throughout the year. As a result, if you have not paid enough income taxes during annual filing, you may face a penalty for underpayment.

There are several online estimated quarterly tax calculators that you can use to get an idea of your federal as well as state tax bills. You can also find detailed instructions on this tax on the IRS website.

Income Tax Vs. Self-Employment Tax

There are two types of taxes that people who work for themselves need to pay two types of taxes: income tax and self-employment tax. Both of these taxes are based on the amount of money you earn, but they are calculated differently.

Income tax is calculated based on your total income for the year. This includes all of the money you made from working, as well as any other sources of income, such as investments or interest. The income tax you owe is based on your tax bracket, which is determined by your total income.

Self-employment tax, on the other hand, is only paid on the money you make from working. It is not based on your total income for the year. Instead, you only need to pay self-employment tax on the first $127,200 you earn from working. Above this amount, you do not need to pay any self-employment tax.

So, if you earned a total of $40,000 from working this year, you would owe $3,960 in self-employment tax. However, if you earned a total of $200,000 from working this year, you would only owe $3,960 in self-employment tax. The rest of your income would be taxed at the regular income tax rate.

Do Self-Employed People Pay More In Taxes?

It depends on a number of factors, including the amount of income earned and the tax laws in the country where the individual is self-employed. In general, self-employed individuals are responsible for paying both income taxes and social security contributions, which can add up to a significant amount of money.

Self-employed people are often thought to pay more in taxes than those who are employed by someone else. However, the self-employed may actually enjoy some tax advantages that employees do not. For example, the self-employed can deduct business expenses that might not be available to employees, such as the cost of a home office.

In addition, the self-employed are also allowed to set aside money for retirement without paying taxes on it until it is withdrawn. As a result, while the self-employed may pay more in taxes upfront, they may actually end up paying less in taxes overall.

How To Pay Your 1099 Taxes?

Before you can file your 1099 taxes, you need to gather all of the necessary documentation. This includes a Schedule C form, a 1040-ES tax form, and a Schedule SE form. Once you have gathered all of the required documentation and filled out all of the forms, you are ready to file your 1099 tax return.

The process of paying taxes on your 1099 income is actually very simple. You will first need to calculate your total taxable income for the year. This includes all forms of income, such as wages, investments, and self-employment income.

Once you have your total income, you will then need to subtract any allowable deductions and credits. The resulting amount is your taxable income. You will then need to pay taxes on this amount at your marginal tax rate.

The good news is that you can deduct any taxes that you have already paid, such as state and local taxes. This will help to reduce your overall tax burden. Finally, you will need to file a tax return in order to pay your 1099 taxes.

How Can Fincent Help You Calculate 1099 Taxes?

If you're like most business owners, the thought of having to file 1099s probably doesn't fill you with a lot of excitement. In fact, it might even seem like a daunting task. But it doesn't have to be. With Fincent, calculating and filing your 1099 taxes is easy. Here are some ways it can help you.

1. Automated Data Entry For 1099-Misc Forms

Fincent offers an automated data entry solution for 1099-MISC forms, making it easy to get your taxes done right. Simply enter your information into the system, and it’ll take care of the rest. Fincent will calculate your taxes and prepare your return for you, so you can be confident that everything is done correctly. And because its interface is easy to use, you'll be able to get your taxes done in no time.

2. Generates Accurate 1099 Tax Forms

Fincent helps you generate accurate 1099 tax forms. All you need to do is enter the relevant information about your payments, and Fincent will take care of the rest. It lets you track your payments and see which ones need to be reported on the 1099.

3. E-File 1099 Tax Forms Online

1099 forms report income from sources other than your regular jobs, such as freelance work, interest income, or dividends from investments. If you don't file these forms correctly, you could owe the IRS money.

Fincent allows you to easily E-File 1099 Tax Forms. Simply enter your information into the system, and Fincent will generate the forms for you. You can then file them electronically, ensuring that they're received by the IRS quickly and efficiently

4. Import Client Data For 1099 Tax Forms

Keeping track of all the different income sources and expenses can be daunting, and even small mistakes can result in hefty penalties. Fincent lets users calculate their 1099 taxes with ease.

By importing client data, Fincent takes the guesswork out of tax preparation, ensuring that users get the maximum refund possible. With its simple interface and comprehensive features, Fincent is the perfect solution for anyone looking to take the stress out of tax season.

5. Get Help Filing 1099 Tax Forms From Fincent Team

Filling out 1099 tax forms can be complex and time-consuming, but Fincent can help. The team of tax experts at Fincent will make sure you get the forms you need and walk you through the process step-by-step. They’ll help you calculate your taxes so you can be confident you're getting the most deductions possible.

Final Verdict!

As a self-employed individual, it’s important to stay on top of your taxes and know everything about 1099-Misc taxes including documents required for filing 1099 tax forms. The 1099 Tax Calculator for self-employed individuals may help you estimate your taxes and ensure that you are prepared when it comes time to file. However, you need to be aware of all the deadlines associated with filing your taxes so that you don’t run into any penalties.

Fincent can help you make sure that you are taking advantage of all of the deductions and credits available to you. Fincent will prepare your taxes electronically, which can save you a significant amount of time and effort, making 1099 taxes simple and straightforward. So, don't let taxes stress you out this year - let Fincent handle it.

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