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Beware of Dirty Dozen Tax Scams 2023: Protect Your Finances

Safeguarding against the "Dirty Dozen" tax scams demands proactive awareness and preventive measures. Recognize the schemes, employ defensive strategies, and stay informed on potential threats. If you suspect a scam, act swiftly — contact the IRS, report incidents, secure compromised accounts, and monitor your credit. Seek professional assistance, change passwords, file police reports if necessary, and utilize tools like Identity Protection PINs. Maintain open communication with the IRS for ongoing support. Remember, being vigilant is your best defense against tax scams — protect your financial well-being with knowledge and swift action.

Imagine this: You receive an unexpected "urgent" email on a Tuesday. The sender claims to represent the IRS, requiring sensitive financial information. Instantly, you remember warnings of tax scams—is this one of them?

The notorious "Dirty Dozen" tax scams threaten the financial security of taxpayers.

With advancements in 2023, these scams are harder to avoid but easier to fall prey to. This article provides vital insight to help guard against them. Awareness and vigilance are key to fending off these schemes.

In this article, we will cover:

  • The most common types of tax fraud and how they operate
  • Detailed analysis of the “Dirty Dozen” tax scams of 2023 and their modus operandi
  • Methods and strategies to identify these scams
  • Effective ways to protect yourself from becoming a victim
  • What to do if you think you have been targeted
  • The role of the IRS in protecting taxpayers and their initiatives against these scams.

Let’s dive in!

Common Types of Tax Fraud

Tax fraud is a serious issue that many taxpayers face. This crime can occur when individuals or businesses purposely and illegally attempt to avoid paying taxes. The following are some of the most common types of tax fraud:

  • **False deductions: **The taxpayer claims deductions for expenses that they didn't have. This can include home office expenses, business travel, and high-end business meals.
  • **Underreported income: **This is when a taxpayer doesn't report all of their income to the IRS. It's often common in cash-based businesses.
  • Fake claimants: Fraudsters claim supposed dependents to leverage larger refunds.
  • T**ax preparer fraud: **Some unscrupulous tax preparers inflate their clients' returns, often without their knowledge, to secure larger refunds or returns.

Detailed Analysis of the “Dirty Dozen” Tax Scams

Be it fraudulent text messages, abusive tax shelters, or even a false promise of inflated refunds—each scam in the “Dirty Dozen” has its own unique way of trapping unsuspecting taxpayers.

The grunt of these scams lie in the fine play of trust, urgency and fear - emotions that fraudsters manipulate in hopes of making easy money. Let’s take a look at this list in more detail:

Phishing scams

Phishing scams involve fake emails or websites created to steal personal information. In a tax phishing scam, you might receive an email that seems to be from the IRS or another tax-related entity. They'll ask you to enter sensitive information like your Social Security number, bank account details, or even your IRS login credentials. The scammers then use this information to commit identity theft and file fraudulent tax returns in your name.

Fake charities

Fake charity scams ramp up around tax season as fraudsters manipulate taxpayers' desire to claim deductions for donations. Scammers lead you to believe your donation is going to a worthy cause, when in reality, it's funding their fraudulent activities. Always conduct thorough research before making any charitable donations.

Threat scams

In threat scams, criminals impersonate IRS officials over the phone. They demand immediate payment of “unpaid taxes” under the threat of arrest, deportation, or license revocation. Remember, the IRS will never call to demand immediate payment, threaten to bring in local police, or ask for credit card or debit card numbers over the phone.

Promises of inflated refunds

Some scam artists lure unsuspecting taxpayers with false promises of unusually high tax refunds. They often use flyers, advertisements, or phony storefronts. Once they have the taxpayer's information, the scammer can steal the individual's identity, money, and peace of mind.

Abusive tax shelters

These scams insist that you can avoid paying taxes by investing your money in a specific way or place. Scammers usually design these investments to appear legal, when in fact, they're complex, deceptive and not authorized by the IRS. Victims end up losing not only what they expected to save on taxes, but they also face significant fines, penalties and interest charges.

Excessive claims for business tax credits

This involves fraudsters urging taxpayers to inflate their expenses or deductions related to certain business credits to reduce the amount of taxes owed. The scammer usually takes a percentage of the larger refund. Again, if caught, the taxpayer, not the fraudster, faces hefty fines and penalties.

Falsifying income to claim tax credits

Scammers convince taxpayers to boost or invent income to qualify for tax credits they wouldn't ordinarily be eligible for. This scam often targets lower-income individuals and seniors. Fraudsters often promise refund claims that are too good to be true and then pocket the difference.

Offshore tax avoidance

The allure of hiding income offshore is a well-known tax evasion method, though illegal. Scammers often draw in taxpayers by promising no tax liability on money stored in offshore accounts.

Social security fraud

In cases of Social Security fraud, scammers may manipulate taxpayers into reporting false wages or self-employment income to increase their social security benefits. It takes a significant toll on the victim when caught, as they may face penalties and even lose their benefits.

Private debt collection scams

Scammers in this scam pose as private debt collectors who have been "authorized'" by the IRS to collect overdue taxes. They may threaten or intimidate victims into paying, often demanding immediate payment or personal information.

Frivolous tax arguments

In this type of scam, fraudsters attempt to convince taxpayers that they're not obligated to pay taxes due to erroneous legal arguments. These arguments may sound legitimate but are based on twisted interpretations of tax laws. If taxpayers buy into these arguments and fail to pay their taxes, they can face substantial penalties and even legal prosecution.

Identity theft

Identity theft is a common form of tax fraud and can happen throughout the year—not just during tax season. Phishing scams, insecure online transactions, or even mail theft can lead to your personal information falling into the wrong hands. This enables the thief to file fraudulent tax returns, make purchases, or even take on credit in your name. Protecting your personal information and ensuring you're dealing with reputable entities can help guard against this type of fraud.

The “Tax advocacy threat”

This scam targets victims by the fraudsters pretending to be "tax advocates" from the IRS that threaten legal action for unpaid taxes. Unsuspecting taxpayers may be tricked into sharing sensitive information or making payments towards non-existent tax debts in fear of legal consequences.

Prior year tax fraud

In this fraud, scammers file a false tax return for prior years, in your name. They may also claim that you owe back taxes from previous years, and threaten legal action unless you pay immediately.

Economic impact payment theft

Taking advantage of the economic downturn due to the pandemic, scammers may pose as IRS officials, demanding sensitive information to 'ensure' you receive your stimulus checks. In reality, this is a scheme to steal your identity or pocket the money allocated for hardship relief.

Phony IRS emails

Scammers often use phishing emails that appear to come from the IRS to collect personal information. These emails may contain “urgent” requests for information or threats of penalties for non-compliance. Always verify the sender's address and never click on links or attachments from unfamiliar sources.

Ghost tax preparers

These scammers pose as legitimate tax preparers but don't sign the tax returns they prepare, hence the term “ghost.” They may promise large refunds and then disappear once the return is filed, leaving the taxpayer in a position of potential liability.

Be aware of the “Dirty Dozen” scams that exploit taxpayers' vulnerabilities by using tactics such as manipulation, coercion, and identity theft. To protect yourself from these scams, verify any suspicious communications and claims related to your taxes and never provide personal information unless positive of the recipient's legitimacy. Exercising caution is crucial in preserving your financial and personal well-being.

Methods and Strategies to Identify and Prevent Tax Scams

Understanding the various types of tax scams is the first step to protecting yourself.

However, being able to identify and prevent these scams is where the real defense lies. Below are some methods and strategies that can help you stay safe during tax season.

Know the IRS communication methods

The IRS typically initiates contact with taxpayers through regular mail, not email, social media, or text messages. Any communication claiming to be from the IRS via these channels should be treated as suspicious. In addition, the IRS will never call to demand immediate payment over the phone.

Check the credibility of tax preparers

Before hiring a tax preparer, check their credentials thoroughly. They should have a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) issued by the IRS. Also, consider their background, qualifications, and reputation.

Protect personal information

Always safeguard your personal and financial information. Don't provide sensitive details to anyone unless you're sure of their identity and purpose. This includes Social Security numbers, bank account details, and other personal information.

Stay vigilant about unsolicited requests

If you receive an unsolicited email or call from someone claiming to be from the IRS, treat it with caution. Never give out personal information or make payments based on such requests. Instead, contact the IRS directly to check on your tax status.

Familiarize yourself with common scams

Knowledge is power. The more you know about the common types of tax scams, the better you are to avoid them. Research and stay updated on the different forms of fraud so you can easily identify and avoid potential scams.

Be wary of promises of huge tax refunds

Remember that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of anyone who promises you a big tax refund without knowing your financial situation. They may be attempting to engage you in refund fraud, which could lead to penalties or even legal action against you.

Use secure Internet connections

If you file your taxes online, be sure to do so over a secure internet connection. Public Wi-Fi networks can be easily exploited by identity thieves. If necessary, use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for added protection.

Regularly check your credit reports

Regularly checking your credit reports can help you spot any suspicious activity early on. If you notice anything unusual, such as credit lines you didn't open or delinquent accounts that aren't yours, report it immediately.

Educate yourself on relevant tax laws

Keeping up-to-date with tax laws will help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a taxpayer. This includes knowing the deadlines for tax filing, understanding the tax deductions applicable to you, and being aware of the penalties for late payment or non-compliance.

Invest in reliable security software

Make sure your computer has updated antivirus and anti-malware software. These programs can protect your device and your information from potential cyber threats.

File your taxes as early as possible

Filing early can prevent scammers from filing a fraudulent return in your name, as the IRS only accepts one tax return per Social Security number.

Consider identity theft protection services

If you're particularly concerned about tax-related identity theft, you may want to consider investing in an identity theft protection service. These services monitor your personal information and alert you to potential threats or suspicious activity. They can also offer assistance in the event that your identity is compromised.

While no defensive strategy is foolproof, incorporating these methods into your financial routine can significantly reduce the chance of falling victim to tax scams. Be proactive in protecting your personal and financial security, exercise caution with your sensitive information, and remember, when it comes to scams, prevention is always better than cure.

What To Do If You Think You've Fallen Victim to a Tax Scam

If you suspect that you have been targeted or fallen victim to a tax scam, don't panic. Follow the steps below to regain control and protect yourself from further damage.

Contact the IRS directly

The fastest way to confirm if a suspicious correspondence or request is a scam is to contact the IRS directly. They can check your account for any alerts or inconsistencies and guide you on the next steps to take.

Report the incident

Report any suspected tax scams to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) via their website or phone line, and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) through their FTC Complaint Assistant.

Close compromised accounts

If your financial accounts were compromised as a result of a tax scam, contact your bank or credit card company immediately. They can close the affected accounts, track any fraudulent transactions, and help you to open new, secure accounts.

Monitor your credit reports

Keep a close eye on your credit reports for any suspicious activity. You can request free reports from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) once a year.

Consider a credit freeze or fraud alert

Placing a credit freeze on your reports can prevent scammers from opening new accounts in your name. Alternately, you can set up a fraud alert, which will require businesses to verify your identity before extending new credit.

Consult a tax professional

A certified tax professional can provide guidance and assistance in resolving your tax issues. They can help you rectify any discrepancies on your tax returns, communicate with the IRS on your behalf, and guide you through the process of rectifying the impact of the scam.

Change your passwords

If you suspect that your personal information may have been compromised, it is critical to change your passwords immediately. This should include any online accounts, especially those related to banking or financial transactions.

File a police report

In some cases, it may be necessary to file a police report. This can provide legal documentation that your identity was stolen, which can be helpful if you encounter any disputes with financial institutions in the future.

Request an Identity Protection PIN from the IRS

The IRS offers an Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) for taxpayers who have been victims of identity theft. This six-digit number, which is unique to each taxpayer, helps the IRS authenticate your identity and protects against fraudulent tax returns being filed in your name.

Stay alert

Keep an eye out for any signs of recurring fraudulent activity. Regularly check your financial accounts and credit reports to catch any potential issues early on.

Educate yourself

Learn more about identity theft and tax scams to safeguard yourself in the future. The IRS provides valuable resources and information to help you understand these threats better.

Seek legal advice

Should the need arise, consider seeking legal advice. An attorney specializing in identity theft and tax issues can guide you through the complex legal procedures associated with rectifying the effects of a tax scam. Legal counsel can help you comprehend your rights, navigate the legal system, and ensure appropriate compensation if necessary.

Maintain communication with the IRS

After a tax scam, ensure to maintain ongoing communication with the IRS. They can provide you with updates on your case, guide you through potential audits, and offer assistance in resetting your tax account.

Ensure recovery

Lastly, ensure comprehensive recovery from the scam. Collaborate with all relevant entities, including your financial institutions and the IRS, to rectify any damages and safeguard your financial future.


Safeguarding against the "Dirty Dozen" tax scams demands proactive awareness and preventive measures. Recognize the schemes, employ defensive strategies, and stay informed on potential threats. If you suspect a scam, act swiftly — contact the IRS, report incidents, secure compromised accounts, and monitor your credit. Seek professional assistance, change passwords, file police reports if necessary, and utilize tools like Identity Protection PINs. Maintain open communication with the IRS for ongoing support. Remember, being vigilant is your best defense against tax scams — protect your financial well-being with knowledge and swift action.

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