CUSIP Number

A CUSIP number is a nine-digit identification number that is assigned to registered equities, debt, and other securities in the United States and Canada. It is used to distinguish between securities that are traded on public markets.

These numbers are used to aid in transactions and settlements by giving a consistent identifier to aid in the differentiation of securities within a trade. Each trade and its associated CUSIP number are recorded to aid in the tracking of actions and activities.


Along with CUSIP, CUSIP Global Services has a number of other key identifiers. ISIN and CINS are two examples of foreign securities.


The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) system extends beyond the CUSIP system. ISINs are used globally, with most securities in the United States and Canada labeled with an additional two-character prefix and one final check character added at the end of the initially issued CUSIP.

In order to allow correct processing and recording, information on the currency of the specified securities is also necessary. This has aided in the development of a worldwide system for the clearance of securities. While it is not yet used globally, the ISIN system has gained appeal in foreign markets as a means of simplifying trade processes, particularly for international investing.


Another worldwide expansion of the CUSIP numbering system is a CINS number, which stands for the CUSIP worldwide Numbering System. A CINS number is made up of nine characters and is assigned to securities issued in 30 countries outside of North America. The first letter in this case signifies the issuing country. E09876AA7, for example, is an AA credit-rating corporate bond issued in Spain (the letter E is used to identify Spain) and offered in a foreign market.

How CUSIP Numbers Work

Q-sip is pronounced Q-sip. The acronym CUSIP stands for the Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures, which is in charge of the entire CUSIP system. A CUSIP number, like the stock symbols provided to publicly traded firm shares, is a unique identification connected to a corporation's equity, debt, and other assets. It has nine digits and is comparable to a serial number:

  1. The first six alphanumeric characters are known as the base or CUSIP-6, and they are used to identify the issuer.
  2. The seventh and eighth digits identify the security type.
  3. The ninth digit is a check digit that is created automatically.

How to Locate CUSIP Number

CUSIP numbers are public and can be obtained from the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) through the Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) system.

Furthermore, the information is frequently included on official security statements such as purchase confirmations or quarterly financial statements, or it can be accessible through various securities dealers.

Key Takeaways

In the United States and Canada, a CUSIP number is a unique identifying number granted to stocks and registered bonds.

It is made up of nine letters that include both letters and numerals.

CUSIPs were initially used in 1964 to ease stock settlement and clearance.

They are mostly utilized for trades and shareholder records in computerized trading record-keeping systems today.

Instead of a CUSIP, foreign securities have CINS or ISIN numbers.

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