TAKT Time Formula

The TAKT time is the speed at which a product must be finished to satisfy client demand. For instance, if you get a new order for a product every four hours, your team must complete the product in four hours or less to keep up with demand.

The center of your work process might be considered to be the TAKT time, which is your sales rate. By utilizing it, you can efficiently utilize your resources to meet demand while avoiding excessive inventory holding.

Example Of TAKT Time

You have two hours to complete one product if one consumer purchases one every two hours; this is known as your Takt Time. In keeping with that, your TAKT rate is completing 1 product every 2 hours.

By adhering to your anticipated TAKT rate, you won't produce less or more products than you actually need, which will enable you to optimize your manufacturing process and satisfy realistic client demand.

How To Calculate TAKT Time?

Two factors are essential for your Takt Time calculation:

  1. Your Net Production Time (NPT)

The clean time available to your team to complete a product is known as the Net Production Time (NPT). Your team's downtime (lunch breaks, other breaks, meetings, machine maintenance, etc.) can be subtracted from the total time your team spends at work to determine your NPT. The formula typically works like this.

  1. Your Customer Demand

Your customer demand is the quantity of goods that your consumers regularly purchase; typically, your customer demand is calculated daily.

And here is the formula:

Takt Time = Net Production Time/Customer Demand

How To Use TAKT Time?

Three strategies for maximizing TAKT time in your manufacturing business are as follows:

1. Improve Production Planning

Consumer demand fluctuates a lot. Performance in manufacturing is likewise rarely consistent. Both of them frequently change. While planning production, confirm that the estimated TAKT time can be achieved using previous manufacturing data. Using historical data while developing the production plan provides you the chance to modify your production standards to ensure that the plan is carried out without missing shipment deadlines (making the client angry) or producing too many parts (unhappy plant manager). Use TAKT time to make everyone smile!

2. Pace Production to Schedules

Use TAKT time to control a scoreboard on the factory floor that tracks production in real-time. The target counter should increase each time the TAKT time expires. The ability to translate TAKT time into a real-time target enables you to quickly determine whether your production is on schedule or behind. If the manufacturing of quality parts lags behind the real-time target, allocate more resources to resuming production. If production is significantly above the goal, think about allocating time to a 5S, cleaning, or maintenance task.

3. Use Efficiency to Win the Shift

Sometimes it is chosen deliberately to run a production at a slower rate than it would "ideally" run (slower than the ideal cycle time). Your Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) score may suffer as a result. Give your factory floor staff the skills to regularly win their shift (reaching 100% efficiency) by focusing them on efficiency (the ratio of good pieces to target count) rather than OEE.

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